
Module containing functions for computing frequencies of motion for orbits in Kerr spacetime. Frequencies are computed using the method derived in Fujita and Hikida


fundamental_frequencies(a, p, e, x)

Computes frequencies of orbital motion in Boyer-Lindquist time

gamma(a, p, e, x[, constants, upsilon_r, ...])

Computes the average rate at which observer time accumulates in Mino time

mino_frequencies(a, p, e, x)

Computes frequencies of orbital motion in Mino time

phi_frequency(a, p, e, x[, constants, ...])

Computes the frequency of motion in phi in Mino time

plunging_mino_frequencies(a, E, L, Q)

Computes the radial and polar mino frequencies for a plunging orbit.

r_frequency(a, p, e, x[, constants])

Computes the frequency of motion in r in Mino time

theta_frequency(a, p, e, x[, constants])

Computes the frequency of motion in theta in Mino time